Collocations/Phrases with CALL – Part II

Collocations/Phrases with CALL – II :

  • Call time on – to end/finish. Example: She has called time on her growing career by refusing to settle abroad.
  • Call up – to recall/evoke something. Example: Her presentations and videos call up my broken dreams.
  • Call upon someone – order or demand someone to do something. Example: He called upon his department heads to finish the projects by the weekend.
  • Answer the Call – to die. Example: It’s really sad that Mona answered the call at such a young age.
  • Call attention to – to bring something to someone’s notice. Example: I want to call your attention to the fact that to survive in the business you need to formulate some innovative strategies.
  • Make the call – take a decision. Example: Whether you want to confront her or not? Please quickly make the call.
  • Call forth – to induce a particular reaction or behaviour. Example: Harassment by her in-laws calls forth her mood-swings and depression.
  • Call for – demand/necessary. Example: Drastic situation calls for dynamic measures.
  • Call for something – to need something. Example: This critical situation calls for your attention and actions.
  • Call for something – to predict something – Example: After seeing her horoscope, the Astrologer calls for her success and growth after the age of 35.
  • Call for an end (to something) – to finish/close something. Example: It’s time to call for an end the dispute that is going on between me and them.
  • Call for something – right/appropriate time for something. Example: Your success calls for a celebration.
  • Call for someone/something – to shout for someone/something. Example: She kept calling for justice in front of all, but no one gave any attention to her. (b) He was calling for his daughter, but everyone was listening to the music so no one listened.
  • Call for an investigation – demand for investigation. Example: The heinous crime calls for an investigation.
  • It’s your call – your decision. Example: It’s your call to choose what you want to do….to learn from the past and not repeating it or to keep acting in the same direction.

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