Prop Speech Competition on 11-11-18 at 12pm

To enhance the confidence & speaking skill, Wabs Talk, New Delhi has organized a prop speech competition for the members of Wabs Talk.

In public speaking the term “prop” is a shortened version of the theatrical term “property,” a word used to describe any object handled or used by an actor in a performance. As a speaker you are a performer whether you believe it or not. You have an obligation to use whatever means necessary to get your message across to the audience. Props help warm up the audience when you do a public speaking engagement. They help focus attention on the speaking points you are trying to make along with illustrating them for you. They make better connections than your words with the visually oriented members of your audience. They create interest, add variety, and make your points more memorable.

Some tips for using props:

– Normally you should keep your special props hidden until you areĀ 
ready to use them.

-Make sure the prop can be seen from all parts of the room.

-ALWAYS speak to the audience, not the prop (unless the prop is a puppet).

-Make sure the audience is focused on surprise props before youĀ 
unleash the surprise.Ā 

Come & Join Us on Sunday!

Date & Time: November 11, 12:00pm

Venue – Wabstalk Institute, Moti Nagar

Become a dynamic speaker! Join our English & Public Speaking course, your complete solution to soft skills! Details:Ā wabstalkinstitute.comĀ orĀ

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