There is no doubt that humour has a paramount importance in our personal and corporate life. And it is a skill that can be developed. So let’s talk about 5 workplace benefits of having good sense of humour.

- People will enjoy working with you. People want to work with people they like and people will like you if you can make them laugh.
- Humor is a stress buster. Humor offers a cognitive shift in how you view your stress; an emotional response; and a physical response that relaxes you when you laugh.
- It is humanizing. Humor allows both employees and managers to come together and gain trust of one another.
- It boosts morale. Humor boosts morale and retention while reducing turnover because employees look forward to coming to work.
- It can increase productivity. Humor creates an upbeat atmosphere that encourages interaction, brainstorming of new ideas, and a feeling that there are few risks in thinking outside the box. All that leads to greater productivity.