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common english collocations

Common English Collocations With the Big, Great, Large, Deep, Strong & Heavy

Collocations are words that go together naturally in English. In English, a collocation is two or more words that go together naturally. Learning collocations is essential for making your English sound fluent and natural! Common English Collocations With The Words Big, Great, Large, Deep, Strong, And Heavy. Here are 50 common English collocations with the words big, great, large, deep, strong, and […]


Phrasal Verb With Blow | A list of phrases related to the word ‘Blow’

Some Interesting Phrasal verbs with ‘blow’ : Blow away Meaning: to kill someone. Example- He blew the man away by slitting his throat. Example: He grabbed the gun and blew the police officer away. Blow away Meaning: to beat rivals or competitors by a large margin. Example- The launch of i-phone has blown all the android phones away. Example- Their […]

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