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Difference among Later, Latest, Latter and Last

Call to join: 9643455860, 9999947824) The adjectives later, latest, latter and last are no doubt like tongue twisters. Sometimes they create lots of confusion because of their similar spellings and even pronunciation. So let’s clear out the trouble caused by these adjectives and make them as simple as A,B,C. The words ‘later’ and ‘latest’ denote time. The words ‘latter’and ‘last’ […]

Ago vs. Before

A lot of us have confusion in the time expressions ‘ago’ and ‘before’ even though we have good command on the language. So, here is an explanation to help us all understand the difference between ‘ago’ and ‘before’.   Ago :– 1. A time expression to count back from present . 2. Something that happened at a particular time in […]

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