Collocations are words that go together naturally in English. In English, a collocation is two or more words that go together naturally. Learning collocations is essential for making your English sound fluent and natural! Common English Collocations With The Words Big, Great, Large, Deep, Strong, And Heavy.
Here are 50 common English collocations with the words big, great, large, deep, strong, and heavy.
English Collocations With The Word BIG
The word big is often used in collocations with a happening or event, for example:
a big accomplishment
a big decision
a big disappointment
a big failure
a big improvement
a big mistake
a big surprise
English Collocations With The Word GREAT
The word great is often used in collocations with feelings or qualities.
Great + feelings
great admiration
great anger
great enjoyment
great excitement
great fung
reat happiness
great joy
Great + qualities
in great detail
great power
great pride
great sensitivity
great skill
great strength
great understanding
great wisdom
great wealth
English Collocations With The Word LARGE
The word large is often used in collocations involving numbers and measurements.
a large amount
a large collection
a large number (of)
a large population
a large proportion
a large quantity
a large scale
English Collocations With The Word STRONG
The word strong is often used in collocations with facts and opinions:
Strong + facts/opinions
strong argument
strong emphasis
strong evidence
a strong contrast
a strong commitment
strong criticism
strong denial
a strong feeling
a strong opinion (about something)
strong resistance
Strong + senses
a strong smell
a strong taste
English Collocations With The Word DEEP
The word deep is used for some strong feelings:
deep depression
deep devotion
It is also used in these expressions:
in deep thought
in deep trouble
in a deep sleep (when the person won’t wake up easily)
English Collocations With The Word HEAVY
Heavy is used for some weather conditions:
heavy rain
heavy snow
heavy fog
The word heavy is also used for people with bad habits:
a heavy drinker
a heavy smoker
a heavy drug user
There’s also the expression “a heavy sleeper” – that’s not someone who sleeps a lot; instead, it’s a person who doesn’t wake up easily when sleeping.
The word heavy is also used in collocations with two unpleasant things: TRAFFIC and TAXES!
heavy traffic
heavy taxes