Business English – Abbreviations for Beginners:

ASAP – as soon as possible. Example: Please send all the files ASAP.
ATTN – attention. Example: ATTN. – As per the new policy, all employees who stay in the work place one hour after their scheduled timings are entitled for the overtime.
CEO – Chief Executive Officer. Example: Who is the CEO of LG Electronics?
COD – cash on delivery. Example: You can place the order online and choose the option of COD to make the payment.
c/o – care of. Example: New employee’s name is Pari Bhatia. c/o – HR Department. XXX Consultants, 435/2, Raj Nagar, Ghaziabad.
CV – curriculum vitae. Example: I can suggest you any course related to your professional growth only after seeing your CV.
DIY – Do-it-yourself. Example: To see 20 DIY assignments, log on to
e.g. – for example. Example: Our training team requires only basic materials for the presentation. (e.g. – White Boards, a few markers, pens and A4 sheets)
encl. – enclosed. Example:
Copy of the certificates.
Reference letters.
Address Proof.
Etc. – et cetera. Example: Inculcate positive habits to achieve anything – discipline, punctuality, etc.
FAQ – Frequently asked question/questions. Example: Please go through the list of FAQ before going for an interview.
FYI – For your information. Example: I texted the HR Head and mentioned, “FYI: My manager misbehaved with me so I want to quit.”
HQ – Headquarters. Example: You need to go to HQ to get refund.
HR – human resources. Example: We need HR Specialists for our organization: Trainers, Recruiters, Payroll managers, all are welcome to apply.
Ltd. – Limited. Example: Harper Collins Publishers India Ltd. is one of the famous and reputed publishing companies of India.
Memo – memorandum. Example: I will send you a memo to circulate it to all the employees.
MD – Managing Director. Example: Who is the MD of Google?
N/A – Not Applicable.
p.a. – per annum. Example: What is the rate of interest p.a. on Fixed Deposits in your bank?
PC – personal computer. Example: His PC is not working so he is busy doing some filing work.
PTO – please turn over. Example: PTO to know all he details about the event.
PR – Public relations. Example: She has been working as a PR Executive for two years.
RSVP – please respond.
VIP – very important person. Example: Gaurav thinks that he is a VIP and everyone should treat him that way.