English Words Related to Travel & Tourism With Examples – WABS TALK

Have you ever tried to explain a travel experience and been at a loss for words?

Travel does that to us – it entangles us in its beauty, makes us feel a myriad of emotions we’ve never yet felt, and leaves us speechless and yearning for more.

The following article will enrich your traveling vocabulary.

1. Resfeber

Definition: The nervous feeling you get before a journey.

Yes, there’s a name for those jittery butterflies that flutter through your stomach as you pack your bags

2. Eleutheromania

Definition: An intense and irresistible desire for freedom.

Let’s be real, who doesn’t have this feeling?

3. Fernweh

Definition: Feeling homesick for a place you’ve never been.

I love this word because it puts a name to a feeling I’ve never before been able to describe.

4. Trouvaille

Definition: Something lovely discovered by chance.

Such a pretty word and such a beautiful idea. I don’t know about you, but I hear a sexy French accent in my mind.

5. Hygge

Definition: The cozy feeling of relaxing with friends while having a meal or drinks.

I need this word in my life. Every day.

6. Sonder

Definition: The realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own.

If we take the time to consider that each person in this world is living a life as important as our own, this world will be a much brighter place.

7. Onism

Definition: The awareness of how little of the world you’ll experience.

How many lifetimes would it take to visit the every single place you’ve ever dreamed of? For me, it would take hundreds of lifetimes. I guess I’ll have to settle for just this one, and make the most of it!

8. Livsnjutare

Definition: One who loves life deeply and lives it to the extreme.

Always strive to be this type of person. Does it matter that you can’t pronounce it? Nope, just be it.

9. Waldeinsamkeit

Definition: The feeling of being along in the woods.

This word brings to mind images of Hansel and Gretel wandering through the tangled paths of the Black Forest. Light streams through the thick trees, and the crisp air is scented with pine. Dreamy isn’t it? Walk alone in the woods and you might channel your inner fairy tale.

10. Meraki

Definition: Putting a part of yourself into what you’re doing.

Whether you are a cook, an artist, an athlete – or hell, even an accountant – do your work with your whole heart.

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