No matter where you go or to whom you speak and what you speak, but it really matters how you speak.
Yes, its true that your expressions, body language, and gesture speak louder than your voice or tone. The public listen what you say, the content you have but they will understand the topic better when your way of speaking, way of delivering the message, body language, body gesture, hand movement, facial expressions are communicating with them and not just the words you deliver.
Few things need to be taken care of while giving the presentation or speaking in public:
- You should always show your positive attitude.
- You should always face the public or the audience, to whom you are delivering the message.
- Eye contact should be there.
- Whether you know about the correct explanation, topic or not it should never come up on your facial expressions.
- The way you cover the stage or the presentation area matters a lot.
- You should always be attentive.
- The confidence should be 100% if you lie also.
- Even if your target audience does not get convinced what you show or tell them, they should be impressed with your confidence and attitude.
- Never pretend to your public that you don’t know what to speak.
- Don’t use heavy vocabulary because many people in the audience may not understand.