How To Hone Telephonic Communication Skills? | WABS TALK

Few days ago, a medical aspirant came at ‘Wabs Talk’ for counseling session and told that he struggles alot creating a friendly rapport on phone.It is true that talking face to face and talking on phone have head to toe difference because on the phone it becomes difficult to convey our messages.At times we sound choppy and fail to impart our ideas to the one who is looking forward to it.We often fail to crack the deals or can’t handle the customer’s queries which is bad omen for a flourishing business. The following article is rolling out many tips and tactics for effective telphonic communication.

To grind your telephone communication skills, be sure to master the following tips:

1. Adopt a Positive Tone

Projecting an enthusiastic, natural, and attentive tone while on the phone can help a customer feel comfortable during a conversation.

When you answer the phone, smile as you greet the person on the other line. Although it may be a bit of a cliché, a smile can truly be heard through the telephone. Smiling as soon as you connect with the customer will begin the interaction positively and create room for a productive and friendly exchange.

Also, be aware of your vocal qualities throughout the call. Control your rate of speech.Anything faster will be difficult for the customer to understand while anything slower will give the impression that you are lazy. A monotone sounds boring and unenthusiastic.

2. Clear Enunciation

The ability to understand what someone is saying on the phone separates a productive conversation from one filled with tension.

Make sure that you use simple words and phrases. Don’t use overly complex vocabulary or jargon. Also, avoid slang and filler words. Saying things like “dude,” “yeah,” and “um” will detract from the quality of the interaction, making constructive problem solving harder to attain. If you have a tendency to use filler words such as “um” or “like.” practice taking a pause instead.

Chewing gum or eating during a conversation can also lead to mumbled speech so avoid both of these practices in order to optimize your customer service.

3. Be sincere

Starting with the greeting, conversations over the phone must be sincere. Say hello and be genuine. Try to avoid scripted greetings as most sound artificial and inauthentic.

Include the company’s name, your name, and offer your assistance as soon as you answer the phone. If you’re receiving a transferred call or if you’re working on the switchboard, state the name of the department you are a part of in order to give the client the appropriate information. Doing this will ease the customer into the exchange and let them know that you are calm and ready to help.

Once you’re in the middle of the conversation, give the person on the other end of the line genuine answers. Be sure to word these in a positive manner, as you don’t want to inject any negativity into the exchange.

Avoid phrases such as “I don’t know,” “I can’t do that,” or “Just a second.” Specify how long completing a task will take, and state what you can do rather than what you cannot.

4. Use Their Name

As soon as you receive a customer’s name, use it. Write down the individual’s initials in order to ‘monogram’ the call. This will help you remember the client’s name and will personalize the call.

5. Leave the Customer Satisfied

In order to achieve a great ending to a telephone call, make sure that the caller understands the information you passed along before you hang up. Ask the customer, “Is there anything else I can help you with?” Answer any final questions he or she may have to ensure complete comprehension and satisfaction. Also, provide any information that the customer might need in the future.
Once all of the necessary information has been shared, finish the call in a friendly manner. Say, “Have a nice day” or, “It was nice talking with you.This will let the customer know that you happily helped them.

They are taking Public Speaking Sessions, aren’t they?
Are you taking Soft Skills Training from Reuben Singh, aren’t you?
After reading the above examples, many questions have popped up in your mind, some might have confused you while others might have aroused curiosity in you to know What are ‘question tags’?
In this article, you will learn the meaning and usage of question tags.

Question tags are short questions at the end of statements.

They are mainly used in speech when we want to:

confirm that something is true or not,
or to encourage a reply from the person we are speaking to.

How are question tags formed?

Question tags are formed with the auxiliary or modal verb from the statement and the appropriate subject.

A positive statement is followed by a negative
question tag.

Example: Jack is from Spain, isn’t he?
Example: You can win Public Speaking championship, can’t you?

A negative statement is followed by a positive
question tag.

Example: Wabs Talk is not in East Delhi, is it?
Example: He shouldn’t miss the Vocabulary Building Sessions, should he?

When the verb in the main sentence is in the present simple we form the question tag with do / does.

Example: You participate in outdoor events, don’t you?
Example : Students participate in debates, discussions actively, don’t they?

If the verb is in the past simple we use did.

Example: Wabs Talkers went to ‘Delhi City Zoo’ for ‘Walk the Talk Tour’ , didn’t they?
Example: She took Corporate Skills Training , didn’t she?

When the statement contains a word with a negative meaning, the question tag needs to be positive

He hardly ever speaks, does he?
Mentors rarely take any off, do they?

Some verbs / expressions have different question tags. For example:

I am – I am a confident speaker now, aren’t I?

Positive imperative – Stop daydreaming, will / won’tyou?

Negative imperative – Don’t stop singing, will you?

Let’s – Let’s go to the beach, shall we?

Have got (possession) – He has got a car, hasn’the?

There is / are – There aren’t any spiders in the bedroom, are there?

This / that is – This is my friend’s pen, isn’t it?


When we are sure of the answer and we are simply encouraging a response, the intonation in the question tag goes down:

This is your car, isn’t it?
(Your voice goes down when you say isn’t it.)

When we are not sure and want to check information, the intonation in the question tag goes up:

He is from France, isn’t he?
(Your voice goes up when you say isn’t he.)

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