The conscious and unconscious movements and postures by which attitudes & feelings are communicated. There are various ways to read body language –

1) Raised eyebrows often signal discomfort.
2) If their voice goes up & down, they are most likely interested.
3)Eye contact shows interest both positive & negative.
4)If they look into your eyes for too long, they might be lying.
5) Crossed legs are usually a sign of resistance & low receptivity.
6) If they mirror your body language, the conversation is probably going well.
7) Look for a lack of crinkles around the eyes to detect a fake smile.
8)If they are laughing with you, they are probably into you.
9) Expansive, authoritative postures show leadership.
10) A shaking leg signals a shaky inner state.
11) They unconsciously cover their mouth when they avoid answering a question, both literally & figuratively
12) Liars become defensive when they think that you have discovered their lie, which may result in a lot of problems.
13) Relaxed, unconscious movements come naturally in normal conversation, so a rigid stand is a major red flag.
14) When someone suddenly jerks their head when you ask them a direct question, they may be lying to you.
15) When someone is nervous and lying to you, they may begin to breathe more heavily. Their shoulders rise and their voice gets shallow.
16) When someone repeats words/phrases they are trying to convince you & themselves of something.
Repetitions mean to buy time to gather the thoughts.
17) An excess of details is often a sign of lying. Liars hope that talking a lot will be perceived as openness & truthfulness.