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Panchayati Raj Divas | 3rd March | General Knowledge

Panchayati Raj Divas | 3rd March | General Knowledge

Panchayati Raj Divas | 3rd March | General Knowledge  State level Panchayati Raj Divas is celebrated on 5th March every year in the state of Odisha to mark the birth anniversary of Biju Patnaik . 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act, 1992 came into force with effect from 24 April 1993 which introduced democratic decentralization of power in India. Rajasthan was the […]

Losar | 24th-26th February | Tibetan Buddhism New Year | General Knowledge

Losar | 24th-26th February | Tibetan Buddhism New Year | General Knowledge Losar -Why is it Celebrated? Increase Your General Knowledge. The term Losar is made of two words, ‘Lo’-which means year and ‘Sar’ – meaning new. The festival is observed to ward off evil spirits and welcome the the new year that shall be filled with happiness and prosperity. […]

MahaShivratri | 21st February | General Knowledge

MahaShivratri | 21st February | General Knowledge MahaShivratri –Why is it Celebrated? Increase Your General Knowledge. MahaShivratri, which literally translates to “great night of Shiva” is a Hindu festival largely celebrated in India as well as in Nepal. People who live in family situations observe MahaShivratri as Shiva’s wedding anniversary. Those with worldly ambitions see this day as the day when […]

Arunachal Pradesh Statehood Day | 20th February | General Knowledge

Arunachal Pradesh Statehood Day | 20th February | General Knowledge

 Arunachal Pradesh Statehood Day | 20th February | General Knowledge  Arunachal Pradesh received statehood on 20th February in 1987. Arunachal Pradesh means “land of the dawn-lit mountains” and it is located in the east of the country on the edge of the Himalayas. In August 1947 when India became an independent nation, the region was known as the North East […]

Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Jayanti | 19th February | General Knowledge

Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Jayanti | 19th February | General Knowledge Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Jayanti – Why is it Celebrated? Increase Your General Knowledge. Shivaji Maharaj was the greatest ruler of Maharashtra. He is known as the creator of the Maratha nation. February 19 is celebrated as Shivaji Jayanti in the state of Maharashtra to commemorate the birth of Chhatrapati Shivaji […]

National Girl Child Day | 24th January | General Knowledge

                                                       National Girl Child Day |24th January | General Knowledge   The National Girl Child Day is celebrated in India every year on January 24. It was started by the Ministry of Women and Child Development and the Government of India in 2008. The main aim is to sensitize people about the gender inequality that prevails in the Indian society. […]

Subhash Chandra Bose Jayanti | General Knowledge

Subhash Chandra Bose, popularly known as Netaji, was an Indian revolutionary who fought against the British during the Indian National Movement. He along with Captain Mohan Singh founded the Indian National Army (INA) during World War 2. He is famous for his slogan – “Give Me Blood, I Will Give You Freedom”. He was known to have a militant approach […]

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