Expressions & Phrases To Use At Work

*Crunch the numbers-do a lot of calculations.
Eg. At the end of the month, the sales team needs to crunch the numbers for preparing the record.

*Put something off- you delay doing it.
Eg. Indians are indolent by nature. They keep putting off the work.

*Take off- it increases or becomes popular, very quickly.
Eg. His career has taken off in a very short time.

*People person- person who has great social skills & loves interacting with people.
Eg. The sales people are people’s person.

*Eager beaver- An enthusiastic person who works very hard.
Eg. Sam has been an eager beaver as he has brought value on the table.

*Hold the fort-Have the responsibility for something or care of somebody while others are away.
Eg. Julie was instructed to hold the fort of the reception as others were on leave.

* Golden handshake – A large sum of money that is given to somebody when they leave their job, persuade them to leave it.
Eg. When Johny got retired, he had a golden handshake from the company in the form of gratuity & PF.

*Walking paper- the letter or notice dismissing somebody from a job.
Eg. The recession made people being given the walking paper as GDP went down.

* Cash cow – the part of a business that always makes a profit and that provides money for the rest of the business.
Eg. Sam exclaimed with joy that his hospitality business was like a cash cow for him that made him sustain his other businesses.

*Think through – think carefully about the possible results of something.
Eg. Before the implementation of demonetization, Modi didn’t think through the outcomes.

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